Electronic Health Records – What do the patients think?
I have written recent articles about EHRs and the reluctance of some physicians to adopt them and to recognize a positive impact in their patient interaction. One area of change and potential patient impact is the method of physicians recording notes on tablets or...
Electronic Health Records – what happened to interoperability?
A growing number of physician practices are using electronic health record (EHR) systems, mostly because of federal legislation and incentives around Meaningful Use as well as MIPS/MACRA. In fact, MIPS compliance is measured by a “MIPS Composite Performance Score”,...
The MACRA confusion factor?
KPMG and The American Medical Association recently surveyed 1,000 practicing physicians and found that there is a high rate of physician confusion surrounding the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) and its Quality Payment Program (QPP). About...
Clinical Integrated Networks – Are they working for the patients?
A clinically integrated network is a network of providers, facilities and ancillary services who collaborate to improve and maintain the health of the people in their communities. Many healthcare networks are reorganizing into clinically integrated networks in order...
Patient Engagement – Are we making progress?
We continue to hear that a patient's involvement in managing their own healthcare contributes to better health outcomes and that those involved with their providers tend to be healthier than those who are not engaged. Therefore, it is not surprising that patient...
Nursing feedback on EMR and Documentation requirements
I posted an article about physician burn out last week. I was curious to find out if there is information on nurses and the issues that impact their ability to treat patients. Medscape is online information for physicians and healthcare professionals. It offers “the...